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no-load condition中文是什么意思

用"no-load condition"造句"no-load condition"怎么读"no-load condition" in a sentence


  • 空载情况
  • 空载状态


  • For separated push rod , switch on , under no - load condition , the oil cylinder makes reciprocating movement for several times , to discharge air in the cylinder and oil pipeline , then adds load
  • A motor that is be directly coupled to a fan - blade or blower - wheel load is to be operated at the applicable test voltage and under no - fan , no - load conditions with the shaft running free
  • The mathematical model of multi - loop , which is improved through selecting new stator loops in this paper , can be used to simulate the transient behavior of external short circuit at machine ' s terminal and internal short circuit in the stator , not only under no - load condition with single machine but also under load condition connected to power network
用"no-load condition"造句  
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